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Small Garden Bliss

Why Small?

Jess watering

What do we mean by Small Garden Bliss? It's about creating your own environmental policy!

Yes, when we say "small," we do mean the actual size of your garden area. (Your garden area might currently be a lawn or a patch of dirt but we'll refer to this as your garden for now).

BUT...we also mean a way of thinking - a way of thinking "small" when it comes to big ideas or topics.

If we think of things in small increments, we're likely to consider those thoughts as something we can attain, within our own resources, in our own way - by our own hands.

That's where the another way of thinking SMALL comes in.....

Think of your garden as a small but highly effective way you can make a difference in the environment. When we learn about problems in the environment, we often feel helpless -- we might feel there's nothing we can do to stop the depletion of coral reefs, loss of species and destruction of forests. And because of geopolitics, and politics in general, sometimes we can't make a difference at all. We have to rely on people we don't even know to do the right thing.

Synchronous ferns

But in our homes and gardens, we are in charge. We determine what shall live there - both plants and wildlife. We decide if our gardens will contribute to a better environment or a more challenged one. It's in our very small but very capable hands to make a garden the way we want it to be.

That's SMALL GARDEN BLISS - you're in charge. And you're in good hands!

Learn about how your small garden can add up to big changes for the local environment here....

Connect with Small Garden Bliss for help in getting started. We work in the NY and CT areas to provide homeowners with natural and sustainable garden help.


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